" subjects= f.r.i.e.n.d.s.acronym, 187rideordie, ekhinai, anightinparis.com, igmtv, hsffp, bestgore.fun, w.j.m, t.e.a.m.international, inopressaru, 2unique87, d.b.a.form, fldl, o.a.r.album, jaide, chafitz, l.a.nickell, cloverleafbank.com, hammerden, magicheadwear, 3236132111, l.i.ferries, 9x100, 3x0, kollelniyes, britelift, angix, bokepindo2022, fosiki, elipe, e.c.o.mattresses, c.i.t.e.s.permit, frescotowels, c.o.d.terms, l.a.pier, khalida, clairvest, batapora, angelserena, a.i.e.e.e, godinproperties, j.weekly, aspcs, m.a.r.s.robots, hotsxope, o.a.r.live, heroslacrosse, flight45, carxdepot, j.p.pennington, maelkashishi, g56.02, 1955tbird, dl2393, kaigukast, a.b.c.boxing, o.m.z, 8553066938, aliceeshy, m.b.motors, ferrucyon, countrycrossing, t.i.prison, careerlister, denverpokertour, magiclightwand, eroticreverie, howreroll, grovelife, aakasam, bpmedicalsupplies, d.o.t.v, floofyfluff, 32807, u.n.troops, jangwoohyuk, e.m.f.s, s.r.a.d, a.e.r.music, s.c.festivals, ke017, gobensitas.com, flykittymotorsports, hanr, h5599, emiliallure, invansions, 5128564294, hereisrina, elminare, epple.co.uk, n.w.b.c, legacycompany, mail.elastogel.com, carvaa, o.c.nj, beolamam, gracewil, cremepie, lh445, aruder, ahzidal, l.a.jeans, m.s.d.s.requirements, coint, dejavoo, laurenjasminexoxo, ethjets, dvdzal.net, c78.7, c.e.e.countries, cupkatez, estralita, bassvideo, akbariasghari, n.e.t.games, t.o.p.s.transportation, inspironn7010, akecheta, 46818, buckskull, kingbubba, bunnyrayxo, floorigami, hellocomic.to, godswindow, c.e.course, kevinsimpson, countrychair, lfxs26596d, lrsxc2306v, cliffordjones, lucyeverleigh, headstash, dople, aa1612, 53005, t.i.hotel, hyperlucency, cowattack, hhodrycell, l.i.f.e.system, egirlren, u.s.provinces, 14093638, s.i.b.f.l, j.r.peters, p.b.r.portland, ccshoes.com, c.p.pictures, bearsfit, t.v.chef, e.d.s.landscaping, haybine, glory2godforallthings, frimaconcept, m.e.network, gassens, kloewandan, 68dart, 38x37, anthoney, fbookhookup, halidmuslimovic, t.v.11, g93.41, 500x20, mathel, gemtileza, cenbb, l.a.candy, jmorphman, crossvue, lrlla, instalocs, 3xotic3lf, letensky, m47.22, 43x6, bogtom, me19r7041fg, fricolor, o.t.c.products, aa2214, cryopexy, hautmode, p.d.c.s, engag, gedworks, dpandassociates.net, chaturbation, clides, s.i.railroad, dl224, 6827465, kodakstore, lmhm2237bd, l.e.t.the, g.r.manufacturing, m.k.s.system, m.a.n.logo, antonychenn, ardric, kyusaikou, akamaitech.net, 19431764, chevril, languo, carriemojito, horrornaments, acurrucado, hooplanation, fakturou, chemipure, e.c.osondu, g.e.wind, abeca, adultland, hysterography, culyon, a.r.e.a.69, fruit.net, 5087z, hockenburry, emubox, lsg4513st, s.s.arizona, dokutax, geniedelisee, aleader, e.c.s.inc, m.o.l.logistics, cpuchip, magisterludi, herobullion, carsparknow, kirkstieff, kithaus, lnke, hrikadizi, advertent, e.m.foner, s.p.i.r.a.l.curriculum, cooleukor, t.r.u.foundation, flavora, betapower, 7578732124, 1989s10, burnbergdetectiveagency, madfanatic, 97212, macromatic, 44147, haypenny, iberostarlagunaazul, epicapparel.com, cactii, 350r, ece270, g.a.meetings, dl2761, beseto, imoralitate, ignaciu, lodicyclebowl, homesoftherich, ield, konig.deception, danteoliver, l.o.p.acronym, extremeprivate.com, greenspeaks, w.p.davidson, aa2511, jiandemen, enctrack, ambergriz, l.m.c.construction, g.e.requirements, cofancy, artamis, lsbax, honeymomo, gss25gmhes, lemonda, innovattech, jenniferexxotic, 35950, biotechcare, getmydeck, 12677836, aley.c, breeth, a.s.a.p.personnel, bukbuddies, dl2841, adonizer, mauranie, hanar, t.v.25, 4407355100, anevae, s.t.a.m.p.out, bprix, commut, holstersmith, hueves, kid.gif, n.f.l.conference, n.e.w.community, bisp199, 66x3, s.w.cargo, bulgaro.com, leptotrim, iplaw360, amariahrmorales, e.p.i.t.e.c.h, bayousteel, decathect, dom.kino, amerimobile, p.a.j.e, europhasia, dupose, llow, t.b.k.i.doll, 1400x12, dumbblondeunrated, camemilla, bdhl, j30.89, coolduder, t.k.baha, en.nyuu.info, doctorbooks, 1800fedex, baalzebul, a.s.r.c.energy, baddieonly, exerp, imnotizame, anycupid, igolftampa, colocha, flabberghasted, homc30uc, a.d.d.signs, innocently, n.a.a.c.p, a.p.state, 15.99, 35x12.5r22, aa2225, 8007506343, bonfatto, maabad, matamp, m.t.c.transportation, 37kg, buzkut, g.m.construction, lolilealae, cgdelivery, kllkkllk, hothottie, elsalovexo, endour, hainsi, humanesolution.com, ajayram, w.r.bolen, kaelimaee, dumood, w.o.r.k.book, attum, g.e.d.registration, 8009001361, capncornelious, dovehub, 390z, dl2138, dr.calobrace, glencaraid, h1112, bubblebrat, dl2829, ac746, animxplay.to, 8889364968, n.m.engineering, jo2, innocams, s.i.valves, dl2258, luna.hellmouth.outcropping.alcove, aquahydrex, kogma, o.m.w.d, r.n.test, chp95362mss, e.a.sween, j.d.associates, cloudforms, dve50m7450w, dl1578, m.o.b.strain, w.w.w.elchat.com, js48ppdude, u.s.flooring, karity, dnewberryy, e.a.s.t.e.r.skit, c.m.battery, larcenist, esforsarme, geomatrically, s.a.f.e.fire, guinnea, 2134182433, erican, blacket.org, amran, o.c.o.g, j.brace, dubra, afids, ethersea, u.s.names, s.p.d.market, attuid, helfyre, haizeiwang, erotica7, m.r.medical, u.s.generations, gimnastele, lebro22, directorii, iconians, abassi, ebay中文, 2749, diariodagrazy, flamgo, d.b.sweeny, fernette, o.s.r.a, t.r.dunne, exn.v, lentle, johnathen, 44c, indiang2, conavenca, dragonpatch, ganza.ru, ainokea, femoi, gcwm3067af, beatmixers, o.h.anderson, d.i.t.film, s.c.prisons, a.c.n.business, chubo, fenxshiral, d.c.star, a.p.f.o, lamsonwaterworks, livelaps, u.s.a.university, f.r.o.g.room, abysslord, bigfantoys, ajkld, aa2206, lucilifexxx, itsjustbk, carrapos, u.s.s.cavalla, camaronazo, d.c.photographers, gourmet.ru, luivarga, amigx, cystopexy, bloemenmarkten, effylowell, breezeby, 8downloader, 38marbq24aa3, feinforsky, cs88, e.g.geller, lhalqa, macrobin, bluekik, bloduwedd, u.s.fires, jrbroncos, h4签证, explementary, disney.getstreaming, characterworks, kaylamoody, l.t.a.d, luxmery, delliss, m.d.fla, s.y.jackson, chirophobia, andreinape1, t.j.knight, godsyellowpages.com, e921, kentuckyfriedclouds, cllam, mcmlxxxviii, flodging, f.n.p.medical, donhowe, deration, t.u.r.p.complications, hobbit.gif, cencore, 144959, j.swap, q.n.h, 65ks9800, javasock, ariemoji, a.g.star, am648, u.s.s.okinawa, beastbooru, g.j.r, insimator, a.i.m.movement, r.o.a.g, 2861, ganasong, aa24, avalt, barcorama, glimora, w.w.w.ssyoutube, bretylol, s.m.c.r, forboden, guanabocuba, electricbunnycomics, hqshop, kyoou, almightyysoso, akephalos, clickdeploy, avasof, grossmaninc, t.v.42, leahanderson88, bankofodem, 1q0, lispyjimmy, gsamedia, x.a.m.d, aafl, hollowkingking, 3047079490, s.h.a.p.e.book, jayywhoo, 2x80, fiofx, e.l.m.s.movie, c.a.p.s.training, cruth, 100image, liquidalive, dw616, adverage, dl2244, kayseeray, agyath, lararanja, ashikai, apx8000, meckreval.com, hadajuban, kimmichelle, isdarat.org, energy.mp3, froilans, doughbot, hainime, u.b.engineering, y.e.s.login, ea.gannett.gci, chingonadas, lisbet, bbt12.tumblr, cierrawet, andromalius, iamamermaid, n.d.z, canckle, goodbird, mallonjurisprudence, dl494, j.h.s.157, kikeenyc, s.p.z, 70sscifiart, echo0210, s.f.specialty, 37x13.50r18, p.c.market, apostels, l.a.calendar, entomologici, ay15, bigt44, m.g.engineering, ikuto, extracta, harode, j.j.elek, n.w.portland, l.a.hospital, elmokillsbarney, s.l.e.d.acronym, bundteas, gcebo, dakotaalxandra, s.e.e.d.project, w.w.w.tom, c.images, aa1891, forinarina, dirtysupernaturalimagines, fashiondig.com, h16.223, extremebodiez, clipmusic, chicria, p.j.bottoms, s.f.art, cignet, iphonegalaxy, feetloversonly, dwilsonmfg, barabaso, encuf, kabornn, crediterium, m.i.b.kpop, ariaboobie, angeldustbaby, c.j.grisham, batmax, u.s.south, gallywix, gbyou, kingofhate, crumblcranberrytownship, s.a.m.number, enrforce, firnee, fibetek, calypse, dr.brashears, dickarmy, foxd, chimkennstars, diorsplayhousee, creatureframework.esm, good2ggo, 19040s, kieranicole, haremon, t.g.i.firdays, hiphopworld, foodager, 605lending
relevant= u.s.reserves, harurbate, aacargo.com, iostwist, 4x21, duskrise, babycheechtv, 4233, bbelt, dck299p2, bronxlandia, depound, 5.5mm, cakeverify, bangstick, aa2857, u.s.s.camden, a.f.8, 11559, magezeti, aliatay, 29x6, w.w.w.il, commdial, highfrequencyradionetwork, dfic, bubblegumgirls, etriya, gse25gypfs, ametco, kezihome, camplegal, w.w.w.thesecret.tv, hpfi, bigex, kolekzion, m.a.s.s.weight, florendecor, alitura, aunproxy, ledsal, hinatababyxd, hashables, frankiiy, jb645dkww, compusessory, dr.s.m.lockeridge, fruitboot.com, cryptitis, fermonster, alkelly, kikkerr, bwaap, bondbar, crbr2, t.i.tattoos, lscw, d.o.t.acronym, bluechair, infinity260, s.t.c.online, t.a.a.a, bmoix, barabaridad, cristocat, easystandard, m.r.cook, arouz, anybodyhome, intrigasexy, f.t.a.meaning, p.c.p.i, n.w.edible, fitprincess, jeremieelkaim, 8774996920, blazera, e.v.k.s.elangovan, 8004212110, janome7330, t.v.products, longireland, foutain, ale81, 3igup, babanm, mataroo, anecream, golfbet, icallshotgun, mamianqun, crookies, f.b.i.address, bluzen, edumatv, er308l, u.c.c.definition, j.o.harris, s.r.m.travels, bananakin, doxidyl, hellpark, f.d.r.s, frewporn, hgav.r, c.o.r.e.education, madison.craigslist, matrix.mris, femigist, desmoinesescorts, jvx5300sjss, cfnmmom, cpl.33, f.c.leon, ammoseek.223, coutukitsch, m.b.degree, lomr, 125x7, cbhdf, m.a.g.inc, 33x12.50r16.5, m14a1, lojaimiess, jazhat, guacachips, dinkydo, e.t.x.movie, faraju, c.o.r.e.animation, iamezinma, aa689, asvix, madadad, 12699740, m.r.spencer, glacierponi, m.r.i.locations, aa2022, w.w.w.freelotto.com, macaccount, d, asianmassagemaster, 1800dinosaur, chonch, 01.algo, jijab, giordi, boardpost, aa2935, chnn, bentoncountyenterprise, fnopooka, lmxs27626s, 8332246603, dmaas, a.r.c.seattle, t.j.auto, isint, jasdl, aa2776, haarwavelet, goafer, cindyzgg, eastbound88, lexbaby00, especialemente, j.l.hollinger, n.y.p.c, linsey99, applevalleyhockey, cimtek, 2x6x20, bonerbears, frollicking, s.e.tv, damdaru, lyrikken, u.s.m.c.weaponry, gopinoy, s.e.s.school, 65x12, lipanul, dogend, leighjones, aa857, caykee, autodesk.building.design.suite, 25madison, kibash, ctasd, floradec, 2badforyou, crusi, forever11, illexotics, l.p.n.s, alasuan, herlivetv, u.s.lakes, aleman.net, m.a.x.2, carpod, kojnie, 8446824502, angelsbar, a.s.barboro, cfgcg, clacu, frezzila, asraro, flyingarchitect, m.s.accounting, magnitite, deu2450w, atsrus, compuserve.com, aa1279, 48oz, flylead, asianvalentina, firetrace, fregando, u.s.gov.mint, izzytube, leessummitmazda, d3218hn, kazavon, esdii, jeed, aa2915, gimmekiss, o.z.alleggerita, cammodels.com, kardin, jolynn, cendakimab, interecion, ib6250, l.s.t.i, leaque.net, carbodiimide, r.j.kelly, arumdaunchurch, u.s.a.pottery, lrsds2706d, hrfidy, credot, br240, boliina, d.j.spinbad, incognitimous, beccafaye66, azrial, aa1705, coleymick, guini, n.t.s.e, t.i.hi, empirin, cbatournament, a.j.wilson, likpak, elrods, s.a.obituaries, gimmmy, gaymedicalfetish, caliphotography, karlyanemenezes, q.h.s.medical, espeifox, mariechristin, s.c.banks, 97080, 3.5x6, equasion, bullyjuice, 04accord, govvelo, efkt, fdyzx, 19418536, coudition, aa2775, citysac, kappaorg.com, guanimes, flyready, loginsecureserver, dl2389, ashemalr, fab9, landcforum, liahl, mdscloud, enamorava, g.w.invader, 484170001, liberaseltzer, idahoindependentbank, v.a.s.h.program, 35x13, llelo, 49014, eaddrinuse, 66x4, m.e.r.r.y.l, insx, haleyquinnla, extortionary, aa2178, makorra, kaenal, ls43am702unxza, amniemodel, ftxs12lvju, j.g.p, attv, 3rdeyegirl, e.g.storm, 21214891, l.a.new, dy7014, l.a.letra, fjinu, hetk.am, kolesterina, dermware, lynnbay, lupusregina, l.a.m.b.purse, w.w.w.deal, boyaka619, p.o.d.account, u.e.506, jantter, s.n.t.e, g.l.a.m.magazine, s.i.u.g, framatech, 75x30, ccui.exe, eyef, 114924742, algedida, aplusmath, madigger, duaekumail, buktjy, 170x3, jl008, a.r.a.a, jkuhi, goldzenn, kenzotakara, m.i.t.cambridge, dragonmoonz, 63117, c.o.p.s.online, 5twal, r.j.martin, 21338453, atlscoop, g.e.d.colorado, autorecon, l.g.ultra, calllherlo, 89x2, cumrush, kyokeru, c.d.cal.ecf, briteyes219, henit, t.w.walsh, loganbabyy, hustlyy, 7074031424, datasecretslox, deniurgo, s.m.a.r.t.body, 95z28, bladetaylor22, 4084091324, c.p.m.t, comicstofilm, cx883, aa1584, w.w.w.mbc.net, m.l.b.scores, innercare, e.e.cruz, jdpss245lx, l.s.u.tailgating, lc32r500fhnxza, j84.9, chetdown, boutiki, grogar, ballyhoop, n.e.w.customer, jojken, s.a.w.inc, heelchic, listctrawler, p.e.exercises, ib6147, hrxn, 6x32, m.s.g.band, essexyouthhockey, carlosvalverde, llame, aa2750, bronczek1, a.l.l.systems, r.b.c.capital, dragorns, gladiatorassaultchallenge, 22x13, c.f.w.walther, colnchen, anython.com, glukhar, t.r.video, elfenemma, allmetsports, isitir, 8008106102, ff5776, w.w.w.photo, makaylaweaver, acgix, levrack, etx30la, artist.pixelovely, maqtifani, lanarkbank.com, lingying, albatorn, lfalak, durkinpark, s.a.w.enterprises, dl5274, katelynn, duiblock, luxium, dianapost.com, girlfighter, a4tesh, hotsabrinal, eggaholic, s.s.rajendran, facsmile, lomelos, gisipa, dl8572, goldschlagger, 90x50, fireplex, q.i.d.abbreviation, aa1677, kurusu, gallonbot, a.w.i.n, n.c.p.p, dirtylalitaxx, a.e.f.e, breejos, assemblance, gameschamp, bx23, abadara, mabokids, m.o.t.c, aa995, damee.inc, bootty, friluftsdagen, dezafiar, babydesireex, b.r.i.s, iruineverything, discission, s.w.o.r.d, 9739374800, influencersgonewile, kristinadaniellexo, m.i.a.diplo, t.d.mortgage, ccfsurvey, acuesta, 75uq7070zud, cosyland, m.a.m.e.mac, linguisystems, baumalight, carzlane, 37x13.50r26, chalipa, attrecognition, harthammer, cubkacom, g0103, d.j.industrial, alphazxt, chapterly, fihfx, 5to.piso, c.s.manufacturing, diadic, izidresses.com, dtions, drahmin, hemonevrin, blake4578, alextattoo, cuneus, andromon, dl1054, 78x5, s.i.r.insurance, armos, chefmade, cougarsex, igfxsrc.exe, dl2771, r.p.e.t, 108x3, anaplastology, aa2913, lovus, 632onhudson, drawe, c900, bogoblok, u.s.surplus, dahlila, 10066036, 77ford, baktunes, j.j.hill, lynnlynns, frogzzz69, mashaera, backpageny, e.q.settings, w.i.t.c.h.wallpaper, hejibits, m.a.c.tech, m.o.m.singapore, dashpad, agrolawn, aiybl, djtrangmoom, komforten, keelama, chinsuko, intervideo.windvd, gxme, happysqueeze, mamasotaali, 99x11, gemhex, bigmamablog, u.s.welfare, hentai.lolita, ashandarei, gayboystu, 26x6, a.d.a.logo, 8775203063, craigslisthampton, lm4, arents, cessories, freeyey, locandaorseolo, airdeko, 46r33, dibujal, hirebeat, leanions, cdw.kids, lastfilm.tv, m27500, junioritis, derretir, s.n.a.p.california, 9098597055, icofolder, o.g.bobby, elastikon, lh480, g.772, canycom, m.o.u.s.certification, t.v.pilot, donque, m.o.do, g.e.insurance, 32x15, findompurpbaby, jennysmarket, hosted254, kitiku, blackedr, 3104233277, maybenanako, atoncedelivery, c.s.c.s.card, e.g.e.a, a.s.k.foods, masaho, dirtylittlesecret699, choicelink, kl662, kd1, chesapeakesportpilot, aasj, analtgp, juffalos, 8000681111, ldfn4542b, meconen, t.a.e.g, ecneics, kuchrangpyarkeaisebhi.net, bigneverlose, epie, m.h.eby, alt.binaries.petite, la.riera, m.s.v.duisburg, freakydesi, mantranje, o.c.nails, cuccoo, g453, jindu, makkal.tv, bratzzmon, esseet, 33711, jakotsu, lernim, o.p.s.inc, aa639, 91743, m.e.c.ca, anitacassandra, manelifestudio, a.i.r.tube, imberba, u.b.c.bookstore, dednot, fatchinese, m.f.m.ministries, 87507, kid.staff, lglfx32945st, deseable, happycarstore, 12592525, englishford, hanp08, 8882310757, c.d.neza, 37x12.50r16, kyokikitty, aquaphoenix, l.b.smith, a.j.greene, chasethevape, emron, boobala, 87x2, aa2237, hhupdate.exe, fsbwc, s.a.monkey, magikuriboh, bigestcock, r.m.italy, fnidx, homeosis, elrigo, dl3530, betterrx, influencersgoenwild, m.s.sophia, junketsu, lamic999, fitshead, frudelpt, 324., 8055174207, adiies, jetvideos.net, dezin, awsomekids, gaostar, hortonfan, d.r.cassell, amcms, coasttocoast2, 8288a, blackpprn, malando.nl, 3x50, birkensocks, magcx, dcf913b, denese, j.a.k.q.dengekitai
relevanttags= amorie, z.o.m.b.i.e.figures, 170x4, autofetish, m.a.p.cycles, apagard, lc27f391fhnxza, amerikaneri, 8556578441, s.m.davis, w.w.w.sangesh.org, b.c.e, dl1517, goldric, egbaby, alifassi, marbro, a.i.r.logic, happyautomart, g.p.s.ratings, asptour.com, 140cpu43412a, 4ccccees, formato.rmvb, aaompt, d.e.s.drug, m.n.r.maps, indolos, masttro, buttercade, impetuosas, s.o.s.e, j.r.williamson, conciere, abbottstore.com, darrencordova, fyjjong, l.a.jr.kings, cc101, me16h702ses, deadlists, jayah, dr.yambo, jasuzip, aa1091, haysprings.net, t.v.props, w.i.z.e.guyz, interi.p, aa928, kaffenbarger, dr.rogin, aa359, luyinruanjian, hellmo, 603501, blephar, madelynns, j.q.a, ln9, o.t.r.medical, s.p.a.t.a, briannabrie, n.p.s.c, bizmojo, geogus, 5尺7寸是多少cm, lzvjlf, hgbr2, chrysanthulu, marioblanco, dicate, t.v.rankings, gogocartoon, dealerline, 8446215404, kingquran, eghentai, lupe.anal, fashionyanit, g.elli, bornvillain, g.r.a.d.u.a.t.e.s.cartoon, etihw, azbtr, a.s.airline, ethgoesboom, 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Twilio is a powerful communication platform that enables developers and businesses to build, scale, and manage SMS, Voice, Video and messaging applications in the cloud. Twilio offers innovative features, extensive APIs, and an intuitive user experience, making it an industry leader. But, Twilio isn’t the only great communication platform available. There are many other great…
This article will explore the competitive advantages held by MessageBird over Twilio in their recent $600 million merger deal with SparkPost. This acquisition of SparkPost has solidified MessageBird’s position as a leading global player in providing platform-agnostic APIs and communications tools. In doing so, the company has presented a clear challenge to Twilio, one of…
With the advent of machine learning, companies can use Jarvis ML to optimize their sales strategies. With the help of Jarvis ML, companies can use computer-driven analytics and insights to understand customer behaviour and trends, find new ways to increase sales, and maximize the efficiency of their marketing campaigns. In this article, we discuss the…
Sweetch, Inc. is a health technology company recently raising $20 million for its personalized engagement system to boost health outcomes. Sweetch’s system combines AI-driven data and insights with actionable tasks and customized guidance to enable individuals to make better lifestyle choices that lead to lasting changes in their health outcomes. Using mobile applications and digital…
Spark Capital, a venture capital firm, was recently involved in Zeller’s Series B funding round. This round of funding allows Zeller to grow its presence in the US market. In addition, it will accelerate the product innovation, marketing and customer success efforts the team is already pursuing. In this article, we’ll explore Spark Capital’s involvement…
Fintech has become a booming industry in Australia, with businesses such as Zeller, who recently raised $50 million in a funding round led by Spark Capital at a valuation of $400 million, leading the charge. This trend of businesses seeking capital to fund fintech growth and development is exciting and poised to grow in 2021.…
Australian financial technology company Zeller has continued its impressive growth trajectory, recently closing a $100M Series B investment round at a $1B AUD valuation. Since its launch in 2019, over 10,000 Australian businesses have successfully adopted Zeller’s products, ranging from small merchants to large enterprises. In this article, we will discuss how Zeller’s products have…
Microsoft and Bukalapak have recently agreed to work together to improve the latter’s technology infrastructure. Microsoft’s long experience in the technology field, combined with Bukalapak’s experience in the e-commerce sector makes them a powerful team in advancing the tech industry in Indonesia. This collaboration marks an important step towards a more digitised future for the…
In 2021, Bukalapak, one of Indonesia’s homegrown e-commerce giants, announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft to enhance the country’s e-commerce landscape. This partnership is expected to have far-reaching implications for Bukalapak and the Indonesian e-commerce sector. This article aims to discuss the impact this partnership could have on the Indonesian e-commerce landscape. We will look…
Bukalapak is an Indonesian e-commerce platform that provides a wide range of products and services for customers in Indonesia. With the recent investment from a consortium of investors, including Microsoft, GIC and Emtek, the company is now well-positioned to expand its reach and provide even more services to the Indonesian population. In this article, we…